Thursday, December 26, 2019

What Causes The Deaths - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2526 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/03/19 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Gun Control Essay Did you like this example? It was just so scary, you could hear him walking, youd hear him walking right past our classroom.† (CBS News) â€Å"We were scared. I was yelling to him. Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!† (Maui News) â€Å"This is going to be absolutely heart-wrenching time for me and my family. His younger brothers and soon-to-be born sister would miss him terribly.† (NPR) â€Å"I have two words: gun control. Now, now, now, now! No more NRA! No more money! Gun control now!†, a mother whose son died in the Thousand Oaks Shooting said in an interview. (Fox News) When I watch these interviews with relatives of gun victims and witnesses of shootings, I feel extremely heartbroken and grieve for these dead victims from the bottom of my heart. None of these victims shot by a gun deserved to die. None of these relatives or friends of victims deserve to lose their beloved one. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What Causes The Deaths" essay for you Create order What causes the deaths of these innocent people? What makes their relatives and friends suffer from extreme grief? The answer is the gun problem in the United States, which is fairly serious and needs urgent solutions now. Consequently, we need to take immediate measures to solve this problem and alleviate preventable deaths in the United States. The gun problem is obviously a big problem in the United States now. Barack Obama once said, after the shooting in Oregon, We are the only advanced country on Earth that sees these kinds of mass shootings every few months.† (Obama), which means that the United States has far more mass shootings than other advanced country in the world. Time and again, a large number of innocent people die in mass shootings in the United States. For example, the 2017 Las Vegas shooting was a big mass shooting on the night of October 1, which shocked the whole world. Stephen Paddock, 64 years old, shot people at a music festival from a room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel, leaving 58 people dead and 851 injured in just about ten minutes. When the police broke in, Paddock was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. (Wikipedia) People killed or injured by the killer, should have enjoyed themselves at the concert and went home, happily telling their friends and relatives how wonderful the concert was, but because of a killer and those fatal guns, that day became one of the worst days of their lives. Many victims had no chance even to talk with their relatives and friends. The Las Vegas shooting, as the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in the United States, drew people’s attention to gun control and sparked debate over gun control one again. Dianne Feinstein introduced a gun control bill to ban bump stocks to the Senate. (ABC news)11 states banned bump stocks and several other states were considering banning it. (History) Students are also exposed to shootings in the United States. According to research conducted by EveryTown, there were about 89 incidents of gunfire in schools in 2018. More than 2,700 children and teenagers were shot and killed and more than 14,500 are shot and injured every year and about 3 million children are exposed to gun shootings. (EveryTown Research) The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting is one of the most famous school shootings, in which 20-year-old Adam Lanza killed 20 children and six adults before he finally shot himself in the head. Schools should have been a place full of students’ laughing and of reading sounds, but it is not because of the all too frequent interruptions and sounds of gunfire which destroy the peace. No child should experience shootings, which have a devastating impact on the mental and physical condition of students. Another big problem is the high rate of gun suicides. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 21,334 of 42,773 suicides were carried out with a gun in 2014 and guns lead to more deaths than every other method. (TheTrace) This is especially terrible because after interviewing suicide survivors, about 90 percent of people who fail in killing themselves choose not to kill themselves. (TheTrace) We can draw a conclusion that two thirds of people use guns to end their life and the majority of people give up committing suicide if they do not succeed in killing themselves at one time. However, guns are extremely fatal. There is a chance for people who want to kill themselves not using a gun to survive, which may change their whole life because of that survival, such as going on to live optimistically. For people who choose to use a gun to die, they may have no chance to survive at all because almost 90% percent of them will die. No other ways of committing suicide are as lethal as using a gun. People also suffer from accidental shootings in the United States. From 2006 to 2016, about 6,096 people died from accidental shootings, according to the data released by Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (CDC) Many people never take training courses to learn how to use a gun at all and some of them do not treat guns seriously. These are some of reasons that lead to accidental deaths with a gun. Due to the huge number of gun deaths, gun control is a big issue in the United States and we must take effective measures to solve it to create a peaceful country. Why is gun control still a problem in the United States and cannot be solved effectively and properly for decades? The first reason is its history and gun culture. The United States is a revolutionary country and gun ownership is a tradition. Fearing a tyrannical government, The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified. The amendment says: â€Å"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.† (Wikipedia) Therefore, some Americans argue that bearing arms is one of the greatest protections of their individual rights and democracy of their country and cannot be violated. According to a Pew Center study, Americans own the most guns per person in the world. (Pew Research Center) They regard gun ownership as liberty, freedom and a way to protect themselves. Second, economics is the base; arms trade and industry play an important role in American economy. As international arms industry data released by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute shows, the global arms trade is worth $398.2 billion in 2017, and the United States remains dominant, with about $226.6 billion, which accounted for 57 % of total. (SIPRI) Arms trade is a major industry in America that affects policies to some extent. Businessmen will oppose any policies that have a bad influence on their business. Many gun groups, such as the NRA, also affect the polices. It is estimated that NRA had spent $14 million to oust Barack Obama in 2012 by the New York Times. (New York Times) Because of the pervading gun culture and those businessmen and those gun groups, it becomes harder to carry out gun control policies so that gun control still remains a big issue in the United States. Why should we take immediate measures to alleviate preventable gun deaths? First, no innocent individual killed in a mass shooting or by accident deserves to die. No one wants to see their relatives or friends killing by a totally stranger, and what they finally receive is a sum of cold compensation. It is not fair. The number of gun deaths in the United States is 14,117 until now in 2018 and there have been 334 mass shootings. (Gun Violence Archive) Many innocent citizens were killed ruthlessly, which is against humanity. Some people think that guns are not problems; those perpetrators can also kill people using other weapons. In fact, there is a huge difference between guns and some other weapons, such as screwdrivers. On December 25, 2018, a 49-year-old man injured 6 people with a screwdriver in Shandong University of Science and Technology; one victim did not survive and others were just injured slightly. (Sohu)Could you imagine what would happen if the perpetrator was armed with a gun instead of a screwdriver? What would the death toll be and how many people would lose their relatives and friends forever? The result would be totally different; it is never the same due to the high lethality of guns. Therefore, we should take measures to reduce the number of gun deaths. Second, we all deserve to feel safe in our society. Solving the gun problem can promote citizens’ well-being and sense of security by creating a safe environment. Therefore, the government should create a peaceful domestic environment for its citizens so as to ensure the sustainable development and function of our society and economy. A government, which can keep its country safe, peaceful and prosperous, is a competent and successful government, and will build a good and powerful image of country. Furthermore, without a peaceful domestic environment, there will be no sustainable development and the whole country will be in trouble. Researchers from the law center estimate that the cost of gun violence on the American economy is about $229 billion every year. $8.6 billion of it is used for emergency and medical care, etc. (Lawcenter) If we take effective measures to alleviate gun deaths, we can reduce the expenditure on gun violence, which can be used to build a better country. Third, taking proper and effective measures to solve the gun problem can promote citizens’ confidence in government. Adlai Stevenson I has said, â€Å"When we lose faith in the system, we have lost faith in everything we fight and spend for.† (Adlai Stevenson I) It is important for the United States to win the confidence and credibility of its citizens. Fourth, we should also realize that shootings do great harm to our children, such as psychological problems, which cause a long-term scar in their heart. Children may suffer from gun-related trauma, insomnia, nightmares and intrusive thoughts, making it hard to fall asleep and always afraid of being attacked again. This will lead to distraction and bad performance in class. What’s worse, some children may regard owning a gun as a way to show their power and better protect themselves, which increases the possibility that they use violence as a means of solving problems when they feel angry. This is extremely dreadful for a home, a community and a country. It is not too late to save these children by taking proper measures to reduce the number of children who may be exposed to gun shootings. In conclusion, alleviating preventable gun deaths has so many advantages for the development of the country that we should take immediate measures now. What can we do to alleviate the preventable gun deaths? Different people have different opinions on this problem and I think the government should take its responsibility, such as enacting specific laws. B. R. Ambedkar has said, â€Å"Law and order are the medicine of the body politic and when the body politic gets sick, medicine must be administered.† (B. R. Ambedkar) Gun control laws are the medicine of the increasing gun deaths. On April 28, 1996, a 28-year-old man, Martin Bryant armed with a semi-automatic rifle, shot and killed 35 people, and wounded 23 others, in what was known as the Port Arthur Massacre. (Wikipedia) After this horrible and terrifying mass shooting, Australia responded quickly and passed the National Firearms Agreement only 12 days later. Australia banned certain semi-automatic and fully automatic weapons. (Wikipedia) A study conducted by Simon Chapman from Australias University of Sydney found that Australia has no fatal mass shootings (more than five victims, not including the perpetrator) from 1997 to May 2016 and the rate of gun deaths also dropped quickly after 1996. (JAMA) The enacting of gun control laws does lead to the reduction of gun deaths and mass shootings. The United States can follow the example of Australia by enacting laws to ban semi-automatic and fully automatic weapons. However, due to the unique gun culture and political and legal challenges, it seems that enacting rigid laws by the American government to ban guns is difficult, but there are still many things the government can do, such as carrying out policies to tighten gun owner licensing, improve k the standards for gun registration, and check backgrounds carefully. It is too easy for Americans to buy a gun, in shops or on the Internet and many guns are sold illegally through the black market. â€Å"According to the U.S. Department of Justice, large numbers of firearms are sold anonymously at more than 4,000 gun shows each year. That averages to about 11 gun shows on any given day.† (NBC News) We do not know who buys those guns and what they will do with these guns. There is a possibility that some of the buyers are terrorists who want to kill other people. In order to reduce the risk of this, the government should check backgrounds thoroughly and consolidate the gun market to destroy the black market by tracking down illegal gun sales. Similarly, waiting periods that delay gun purchases will also reduce gun violence. Second, school education is also important because â€Å"Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society.† (Maria Montessori) Schools must construct a culture of respect in children for all human life and put emphasis on education on ethical principles so that students can form correct moral values and outlooks. Teachers can also teach students how to deal with annoying affairs properly and correctly, which will definitely have a positive effect on students’ mental health. More importantly, schools should offer classes in teaching children the dangers of possessing guns, how fatal guns are and how to behave around the guns. Parents who own guns at home should also put them in a safe place to reduce access to children who may hurt themselves or others accidentally. Third, limiting ammunition capacity is particularly effective and practical to reduce the number of mass shooting deaths. Researcher Chris Koper estimates that it may lead to a 1% reduction in mass shootings, or 650 people fewer shot each year. (The Guardian) With limited ammunition capacity, killers cannot make devastating mass shootings as easy as today. To conclude, we need to take immediate measures to solve the gun problem and alleviate preventable gun deaths in the United States. Gun problem is still under hot debate and is an urgent issue that needs to be solved. It causes several problems, such as mass shootings, gun suicides and accidental gun deaths, etc. To create a peaceful domestic environment and promote citizens’ confidence in government and their well-being, we should solve the gun problem. To save the greatest number of lives, we should solve the gun problem. To provide a peaceful growth environment for our children, we should solve the gun problem. With its unique gun culture and complicated gun reality, solving gun problem and alleviating preventable gun death is a long-term run, which needs our joint efforts and cooperation. Time is limited and do not let those perpetrators take any other innocent people’s lives from now on. Only with the endeavor of the whole society can we build a better America, and I believe we can do these things well without having a gun.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Constitutional Convention Of The Constitution Essay

In the summer of 1787, the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia to create a new government as the one under the Articles of Confederation had failed them. When drafting the Constitution, the framers wanted a Constitution that would favor freedom over equality. A way to interpret the meaning of equality in the context of the Constitution is to see how democratic the Constitution was. The United States Constitution today has been amended many times to give more democratic aspects to the federal government, but this the exact opposite that many of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention thought the federal government should be. The Preamble of the Constitution even says that they sought to establish a Constitution that would â€Å"secure the Blessing of Liberty† (P). The framers feared that a more democratic government would allow for the people to get too strong, so instead they favored a more republican government. One is able to see how republican of a system o f government the framers sought after by examining how Congressmen and Senators are chosen and who was qualified to vote for them. The Constitution heavily favored freedom over equality because the framers purposefully designed it to favor a representative government, and the design of the U.S. Congress prevented the people from gaining too much influence in the affairs of the federal government. The framers of the Constitution wanted to shift to a representative government because they witnessed with theShow MoreRelatedThe Constitutional Convention Of The Constitution1179 Words   |  5 PagesMost of the framers of the constitution either attended or graduated college, were involved in the American Revolution, and had already been involved in the government. The Constitutional Convention was a meeting held in Philadelphia between May and September of 1787. There, delegates discussed revisions to the United States Government. The Constitutional Convention was held in order to address the problems of the weak central government that existed under the Articles of Confederation. Many of theRead MoreThe Constitutional Convention Of The Constitution1200 Words   |  5 PagesThe Constitutional Convention was a meeting presided over by George Washington along with fifty five delegates. The endeavor of addressing and revising the problems of the Articles of Confederation was essent ial. One of the major problems the nation was experiencing was that the national government was nearly powerless, and the country was in dire need of stability. The Founding Fathers played a significant role in this tedious process of establishing a successful government system. Their goal wasRead MoreThe Constitutional Convention Of Philadelphia Signed The United States Constitution1107 Words   |  5 PagesDelegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia signed the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787. 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The 1787 constitutional convention and ratification debate was pivotal in the making of the US Constitution. The dynamics, antagonism, c onsiderations, process and the eventual consensus regarding the Constitution can be explained by discrete theories in political discourses. However, there are theories that fit best within this historical context and help better explain the process of constitutional convention and ratification. This paperRead MoreThe Constitution Convention And The Ratification Debate Essay1196 Words   |  5 Pages9/21/2016 The Idea of Pluralism in the Constitution Convention and the ratification debate The constitutional conventions importance is indisputable, it is one of the biggest turning points in history and it is also an event that continues to affect politics to this day. It can’t be ignored, the constitutional convention has such a big historical significance and such a direct impact on America. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Don Juan As Byron Introspective Essay Research free essay sample

Don Juan As Byron Introspective Essay, Research Paper The plants of George Gordon, Lord Byron have long been controversial, about every bit controversial as his life style. Gordon Byron was born with a talipes and his sensitiveness to it haunted his life and his plants. Despite being a really fine-looking kid, a delicate self-pride made Byron highly sensitive to unfavorable judgment, of himself or of his poesy and he tended to do enemies instead rapidly. The immature Byron was frequently unhappy and lonely any many of his plants seem to be a kind of introverted therapy. Throughout his Hagiographas and life history there is much grounds to propose that his poesy was greatly influenced by his mental instability. In many ways, Byron seems to utilize his work as an flight from a hard world. The drawn-out verse form Don Juan offers an particularly intimate glance of Byron? s mind. In order to understand the deepness of Byron? s psychological problems and their influence on his poesy, it is of import to analyze Byron? s heritage and his upbringing. We will write a custom essay sample on Don Juan As Byron Introspective Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Young George Gordon inherited the rubric of Lord Byron at the age of six. This him a rank in society and a spot of wealth to travel along with it. Byron? s heritage is a colourful 1. His paternal line includes the Wicked Lord , # 8220 ; Mad Jack and Foul Weather Jack ( Grosskurth 6 ) . The household leaning for bizarre behaviour was acerbated by immature George Gordon? s upbringing. When Byron was merely three his financially irresponsible male parent died, go forthing the household with a heavy load of debt. Byron? s female parent so proudly moved from the meager lodging in Aberdeen, Scotland to England. Young Byron fell in love with the apparitional halls and broad evidences of Newstead Abbey, which had been presented to the Byron? s by Henry VIII, had received little care since. He and his female parent lived in the tally down estate for a piece. While in England he was sent to a public school in Nottingham where he was doctored by a quack named Lavender who subjected the male child to a agonizing and uneffective intervention for his talipes ( Bloom 45 ) . During this clip, immature Byron was left in the attention of his nurse May Grey. He was subjected to her drunken fit, whippings, disregard, and sexual autonomies ( Grosskurth 28 ) . This maltreatment was non stopped early plenty to protect the male child from psychological hurt. Byron confesses to his si ster that My passions were developed really early- so early that few would believe me ( Grosskurth 40 ) . Byron besides suffered from changeless exposure to his female parent? s bad pique. Mrs. Byron alternately spoiled her boy and abused him, frequently naming him a feeble terror ( Crompton 82 ) . Finally John Hanson, Mrs. Byron? s lawyer, rescued him from the unnatural fondnesss of May Grey, the anguishs of Lavender and uneven pique of his female parent. The effects of his early experiences were to be felt by the poet for many old ages. The effects of these anguished episodes blend into his full life in the awaited melancholy that he ever experience ( Eisler 41 ) . At 17 he entered Cambridge University. Determined to get the better of his physical disability, Byron became a good rider, swimmer, pugilist, and sharpshooter. He enjoyed literature but cared small for other topics. After graduation he embarked on a expansive circuit that supplied inspiration for many of his later works. Of the many verse forms in which Byron reveals inside informations from his ain experiences, Don Juan offers the most intimate expression into the life of the creative person. Canto I of Don Juan describes Juan? s female parent, Donna In ez as being a adult female who look? d a talk, each oculus a discourse ( Longman 577 ) . Donna Inez watched carefully over every item of her boy? s instruction and Catherine Byron did the same for her boy, trying in her gawky manner to supply Byron with readying for life as a member of the aristocracy. Mrs. Byron became haunted with doing her boy perfect and he in bend submitted stoically to assorted signifiers of anguish ( Grosskurth 29 ) . Although the description of Donna Inez is frequently interpreted as being directed at Byron? s ex-wife, much of Inez? s personality is similar to Catherine? s. It is possible that Byron? s sentiment of adult females was formed by his exposure to these two and many of his female characters would bear their grade. In stanza 61 of Canto I Donna Julia is described with a mixture of fondness and irony. Bright with intelligence, and just and smooth? her stature tall-I hatred a dumpy adult female ( Longman 586 ) . Byron begins with a reasonably conventional description of a pretty miss but ends the stanza with what seems to be a genuinely backhanded compliment. Donna Julia follows the form of the idealised heroine. She is portrayed to be reasonably, soft, sweet, the perfect and inactive married woman. When she interacts with Don Juan, nevertheless Donna Julia breaks out of the traditional function by being the older adult female who is eager to educate immature Juan in the ways of love. Byron therefore reverses gender functions and with a sexually mature adult female who actively scoring a naif and guiltless immature adult male. Don Juan at 16 is a pious mama? s male child, dedicated to heaven by a female parent from snake pit ( Eisler 612 ) . This relates straight to Byron as a young person who had been reared by a suffocating female parent and prematurely initiated into gender by person the household trusted. His female parent unwittingly entrusted her boy with a viper when she brought Donna Inez into the household place. While Donna Julia is non every bit barbarous as May Grey, she took equal advantage of the household? s trust. Even more general properties of this verse form and it? s characters reflect inside informations from the writer? s ain life. Juan is able to last shipwreck because he could swim. Byron was besides known as an exceptionally strong swimmer. Don Juan embarks on a expansive escapade that includes travels really similar to Byron? s ain. He has a figure of sexual conquerings during his journey, as did the randy writer. Even the naivet # 233 ; of immature Juan is strikingly similar to the diffident immature George Gordon. In Don Juan, Byron says I want a hero and he adopts a one from the yesteryear. He alters the fable of Don Juan to suit his ain demands because he can non happen a modern hero that fits the measure. Don Juan? s character a direct personification of the poet who has grown older and wiser that his immature topic. The writer is reflected alternatively in the many inside informations of the heroic drawn from the writer? s ain experiences. Although Don Juan? s storyteller is non strictly Byron? s voice, it does look to talk for him. The poet expresses himself through his reading of the narrative and by utilizing the voice of the storyteller to talk for him. Byron? s storyteller is ever present in the verse form, noticing and demoing off, doing rather certain that the he is non being ignored. His voice permeates Don Juan and he appears to be reflecting much of his ain life in his creative activity. Possibly Byron used this tremendous verse form as a katharsis for his problem emotions ; po ssibly this is the ground that Don Juan was neer finished. It was extended throughout the balance of the poet? s life. The verse form, like Byron? s psychological healing was neer finished.

Monday, December 2, 2019

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

NATO was developed from the 1948 North Atlantic Treaty, which stipulated that member states should defend one another if they were attacked (Collins 1).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More NATO is a military cooperation of â€Å"Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States (Collins 1)†. The vast NATO membership has grown since the formation of the organization in 1949. The latest entrants into the military union joined in 2009 (Collins 1). NATO’s headquarters is in Brussels and its roles in international politics have been prominent since its formation. Due to NATO’s dominance in interna tional politics, this paper seeks to analyze its formation and the roles it has played in international politics. Formation NATO’s formation can be traced to the era of communism where Western states tried to stop possible attacks from Russia (Collins 1). Notably, the US was a pioneer in this strategy because it sought to defend itself from attacks by Russia. However, the 1948 treaty of Brussels, which saw the participation of France, United Kingdom, Belgium and Netherlands, is considered to lay the groundwork for the formation of NATO (Collins 1). This treaty saw the formation of the Western European Defense Organization, which was designed to protect western European powers from any attacks by its aggressors. At the time, US had no role to play in the union. However, after the formation of the Western European Defense Organization, the US was invited to the union to balance Russia’s power (Collins 2). Soon after this development, NATO was birthed. The NATO treaty out lined that any attack on any member state would amount to an attack on all member states (Collins 1). Therefore, retaliation attacks were to be undertaken by all member states. At the time of the first formation, NATO was only comprised of â€Å"United States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark and Iceland† (Collins 1). The protection of member states included the use of military power. Nonetheless, the use of military power is not always the first course of action to be pursued by member states. The resolve to use military power only surfaces if there is a need to do so. Military power therefore only stands as an option.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More NATO’s mandate is only limited to states which are above the tropic of cancer. Therefore, any conflicts that occur out of this zone are avoided. Comprehensively, the formation of NATO saw the standardi zation of military procedures, such that, the US adopted most European military practices and European member states adopted some US military practices. So far, NATO has remained a force to reckon with in world politics. NATO Roles Afghanistan Interventions NATO’s role in international politics has especially been brought to fore by the war on terror. For instance, the September 11 attacks marked the first time NATO invoked article five of its charter, which requires member states to protect one another if an attack occurs. This article had never been invoked before (Collins 17). The September 11 attacks marked NATO’s involvement in Afghanistan where it intervened to root out Taliban and Al Qaeda elements. The Afghanistan intervention saw the birth of operation eagle assist, operation active endeavor and several minor military operations on the Mediterranean Sea (which were designed to prevent the movement of terrorists and their weapons) (Collins 28). In 2003, NATO to ok control of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan to have more control of the country and to stop the spread of Taliban and Al Qaeda activities. Alongside these interventions, NATO was instrumental in training the Afghanistan military and police to help root out the Taliban and stop their terrorist activities. Iraq Mission NATO was instrumental in training Iraqi forces after Saddam Hussein’s regime was toppled. The NATO Training Mission in Iraq has overseen this activity. This action was also initiated upon the request of the Iraqi interim government and it was guaranteed by the UN security resolution (1546) (Collins 56). The mandate of NATO in Iraq (under the training mission) was to improve the structures and institutions of Iraq’s military to help them become an effective military and police force to provide stability to the Middle Eastern nation. The mandate of NATO also stretched to provide mentorship to the Iraqi forces. Libyan Mission NATO was excessively instrumental in the recent operations on Libya to topple Gadhafi’s regime. In fact, the Libyan mission is among the most dramatic roles that NATO has played in the Middle East. During the Arab uprising, there were extreme confrontations between protestors and the Libyan government after similar protests toppled Tunisia and Egyptian presidents.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Due to extreme human right violations (like the killing of protestors and the use of excessive force on protestors), the UN approved the use of military force to implement a cease-fire resolution backed by the 1973 UN resolution (Belkin 17). A no-fly zone was later imposed on Libya by NATO-allied forces. Afterwards, an arms embargo was enforced on Libya and through the naval ships that surrounded Libya’s coast; Gadhafi’s governmen t was unable to ship weapons into Libya. The Libyan mission was also aimed at stopping the importation of mercenaries into Libya (Belkin 17). However, during this mission, NATO also received support from Qatar and the UAE. Nonetheless, the Libyan mission witnessed the first cracks of the NATO alliance because only eight of the 28 member states took part in active military combats (Belkin 17). It was reported that some NATO states saw the Libyan mission as overstepping NATO’s mandate (Belkin 17). There were also accusations that the Libyan mission would begin to mark the demise of NATO after some member states were discontented by the actions taken by some of its partners in the Libyan mission. Within the NATO alliance, France and the UK were dominant players in the entire operations, but it is reported that the operation would not have been successful without the input of the US (Belkin 17). The Libyan mission saw the capture and killing of the long-term Libyan ruler, Muhamma d Gadhafi. Conclusion NATO’s formation has brought together several western military alliances to create a powerful military force in the world. So far, NATO has been instrumental in major military exercises in the Middle East and its mandate has extended to training, mentorship and pursuing aggressive military attacks. The interests of member states are firmly within the operations of NATO, and based on recent world events, the growth of the alliance is expected to influence major military decisions in the world. The Libyan, Iraqi and Afghanistan interventions are just a few examples of the influence of NATO in world politics.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Works Cited Belkin, Paul. France: Factors Shaping Foreign Policy and Issues in U.S.-French  Relations. London: DIANE Publishing, 2011. Print. Collins, Brian. NATO: A Guide to the Issues. New York: ABC-CLIO, 2011. Print. This essay on North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was written and submitted by user Braelynn Rose to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Memoirs Of A Sleep

Memoirs Of A Sleep The paper traces the meanings of associated with the word savage by analyzing the book by Edgar Huntly, Memoirs Of A Sleep-Walker by Brown. The paper recognizes that the different nuances of the word savage have been brought into use to justify the attitude in colonialism.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Memoirs Of A Sleep-Walker specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this paper Conrad’s work the Heart of Darkness is used to illustrate the attitude of colonialism towards African societies that are seen as savage. The paper cites information from colonialism informed materials that have taken to support the savage attitude as the lowest form of a human society. The paper ends with a note that colonialism was an attempt to raise the savage to civilized standards of the world that resulted to conflict. Savage as a word has many connotations and meaning when used in the daily use of language. As a result therefore wh en uttered the obvious and most common meaning inferred is that of lacking complex or advanced culture. In this meaning the word savage is taken to refer to a people or a country that lies behind the normal standards as relatively measured by the civilized concepts. Civilization is the opposite where a people or a nation are seen in terms of culture and practice as complex, sophisticated and modern. By this definition therefore, any culture whose practices, way of life as well as perspectives seem to differ than the standardized norms and to some extent viewed in a negative sense bear the mark ‘uncivilized’ and hence its inhabitants become savage. By inferring to the other meanings of savage this paper seeks to understand the nuances of the word application in many uses. Savage has another entry in the language dictionary of one which has not been domesticated. This has the sole meaning that the subject of talk is not under human control and therefore may be termed wild . To term the subject wild translates to the opinion that it is untamed and thus the principles of operation are based and understood from the animalistic point of view. This means that they are guided by animal instinct (Chidester 12).Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The other entry meaning of savage refers to the lack of restraint which is observed by human beings. In this meaning the subject referred to as savage lacks the normal human control skills hence it is guided by this nature to become ferocious and fierce. It may also take the form of uncultivated or wild as well as rude to mean of manners. This work will thus aim to evaluate the usage of the term savage in Brown’s work ‘Edgar Huntley Memoirs of a Sleep Walker’ as well as the colonial usage of the word (Page 45). In his work Brown makes the main protagonist refer to his enemy in a pa rticular view that denotes the different meanings of the word savage. One such use of the word is found in the line â€Å"†¦my condition, the savage rushed from his covert in order to complete his work† (Brown 4) is used in the sense that depicts the enemy who is the main protagonist. In this story the protagonists relents his story that occurs to the reader as a battle requiring the participants to use every necessary techniques to defeat the enemy. As a result therefore, this reference to the enemy who happens to be an Indian as later the character reveals can only be taken to mean the ferocious enemy bent on killing another. It is important on the other hand to note that the attitude of the main protagonist is skewed against his enemy based on the fact that he becomes the victorious participant of the ensuing charade despite his admission that he had been injured on the cheek. As a result therefore the reader finds pejorative attitude towards the character’s op ponent which runs through the novel (Bain-Selbo 23). In another instance he describes the last enemy of the five group gang against his survival in the following words â€Å"†¦He moved on all fours and presently came near enough to be distinguished. His disfigured limbs, pendants from his nose and ears and his shorn locks were indubitable indications of as savage, (Brown 23).† This meaning is purely based on the definitions of savage that borders and translates to wild and uncultivated. To infer to this meaning this enemy is rendered beastly by the description of moving on ‘all fours’ which gives the impression of animal.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Memoirs Of A Sleep-Walker specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main character creates the image of an animal which is further extended to ferocity based on the fact as explained by the character that his actions were meant to kill (Jauregui 1 5). The description of the pendants hanging from his ears and nose clearly give the reader the impression of an ancient culture whose notoriety of using such ancient jewelry is on records. In the present image therefore the main character invokes the meaning of uncivilized being that lacks taste in the choice of usage beautifying elements. As a result therefore the reader perceives this enemy as crude and unsophisticated. This image is further stretched by the narrator in the description of the loud shrieks that his enemy throws after receiving the bullet. These ‘doleful’ shrieks at first convince the narrator to run away from the scene only to compel him later to end the necessary task of killing the enemy. It is only worthy to note that the narrator at first attributes the movement of the enemy to that of a beast like a panther or a bear (Brown 21). Indeed he refers to his enemy as a wretch who needs to be relieved his present pain and pangs and thus this gives the na rrator the excuse to eliminate him as an enemy now and in the future. In this story the character is related to an English colonial man who is his uncle in the state country of India. His predicament follows from the fact that he is being chased for some particular reasons by the natives of India. In his description of Queen Meb it becomes clear that the settler are unwanted in this country and hence the ensuing conflict between them and the natives lead to the apparent state of affairs that inform of his predicament (Meining 16).Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More By the description of the thicket and country side where he walks through it is clear that the country is in position that is explainable in savage terms. The country side lacks serious roads that depict countries at the time of colonialism. Based on the fact that the English was far much advanced its colonies could only be referred to shabby shadows of itself and therefore they were by all terms uncivilized. In his book, Conrad attributes the same character traits to the natives of the African lands. In their description Conrad using his major narrator a stem engine driver the reader is informed of savage attitude towards them. This is clearly depicted by the dying scene at the station of black figures that the narrator does not first recognize as human beings. He observes that their presence in the station makes it move forward through their hard work. In return they would get nothing except hunger that resulted to emaciated figures whose beautiful reward was to succumb to the bow els of the earth through untold suffering. In this work Conrad’s presentation of the natives is of the pure most savage attitude and meaning noting from the choice of his words. The narrator refers to the place of as the heart of darkness which is only characterized by big buttressed forests that seems to stand and stare forever with no apparent movement (Conrad 81). Indeed this is well confirmed back in England by the doctor whose experiment seeks to measure the impact of the experiences of the ‘heart of darkness’ upon seafarers and explorers. The narrators attempt to decline experimental measurements of the skull for his studies come to a futile effort when he explains the purpose and the impeding danger he is to face (Bird Rose 34). As if to confirm this fact the narrator’s search for Mr. Kutz as the most famous and trusted explorer leads to confirm these truths as of the savage nature of the natives. He narrates that the man responsible for repairing t he engine of his steam boat is one who can not be trusted despite the fact that he had been trained very well. He therefore has to guide and watch his work to ensure that everything was right. In this attitude he makes the statement that the Africans are savage starting from their environment to themselves (Moses 13). When he meets Mr. Kutz he gets disappointed by his state of affairs. Although he is the most famous explorer in the region he has turned to tendencies that reveal his inferior nature to the former self. The narrator realizes that Mr. Kutz has been affected by his long stay in the heart of darkness and thus his mentor powers and brilliance no longer match or reflect his stock heritage. His efforts to save Mr. Kutz are fraught with instances that reveal his attitudes of the natives as savages who get frightened by the sound of a whistle (Conrad 90). In their book Woodard and Minkley (32) observe that the origin of slavery appeared in the scientific quest for the state of nature of the infancy of mankind. The discussions sought to classify people into in relation to superior and inferior codes in the theory of political governance. These discussions had been influenced by issues like the social contract which led to the question of the need for civil laws in civil societies. Enlightenment issues after indicated that the development of human societies started from the most basic forms, savagery to attain the highest levels of human form. Therefore savage represents the lowest form of human being or society and hence colonialism would be justified as a form of practice that would help to change from this low form to a better more advanced form (Piomingo 3). In these respect therefore, these historical thinking informed and guided the start and onset of colonialism in the world. As an example the Khokhoi and the San were seen as a society lacking the necessary ingredients to inform of a civilized society and therefore the British and the Dutch colonial practices were justified. This would only make the ‘savages’ better hence the need for colonialism (Brown et al. 24). As a result therefore, the meaning of savagery in the colonial times was a means to move and in the countries in an attempt to raise the low human beings close the best society. In this process the colonialist would take the position of a guide to new and civilized tastes of the human society already civilized. However, in this process conflict would arise as the savage sought to rid himself of the burden of mistreatment and oppression resulting to the states explained by Brown. Bird Rose, D. Hidden histories: black stories from Victoria River Downs, Humbert River, and Wave Hill Stations. Sydney: Aboriginal Studies Press, 1991.Print. Brown, Charles B. Edgar Huntly, or Memoirs of a sleep-walker. Oxford: Oxford University. 2006. Print. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. London: Penguin Popular Classics, 1994. Print. Chidester, David. Savage systems: colo nialism and comparative religion in southern Africa. Studies in religion and culture. Virginia: University Press of Virginia, 1996. Print. Dickason, Patricia, O. The Myth of Savage and the Beginnings of French Colonialism in the Americas. Alberta: University of Alberta Press. 1997. Print. Jauregui, Carlos A., and Morana, Mabel. Revisiting the colonial question in Latin America. Madri:Iberoamericana Editorial, 2008. Print. Meining, Sigrun. Witnessing the past: history and post-colonialism in Australian historical novels. Langeweisen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2004. Print. Moses, Dirk. Empire, colony, genocide: conquest, occupation, and subaltern resistance in world history. Oxfor:Berghahn Books, 2008. Print. Page, Melvin E., Colonialism: an international social, cultural, and political encyclopedia. California: ABC-CLIO, 2003. Print. Piomingo. The savage. New York: T.S. Manning. 2006. Print Woodward and Gary Minkley. Deep histories: gender and colonialism in Southern Africa. Amsterdam:Rodo pi. 2002. Print. Bain-Selbo, E. Judge and be judged: moral reflection in an age of relativism and fundamentalism. Oxford: Lexington Books, 2006

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Character Names 19 Methods Tips for Naming Characters Step-by-Step

Character Names 19 Methods Tips for Naming Characters Step-by-Step Character Names: 19 Methods Tips for Naming Characters Step-by-Step Your character names have the ability to transform the perception readers have of your book and story.If you think about itcharacter names are actually a specific literary device you can use most sneakily.And if you want readers to love, adore, and care for your main character, giving them the best and most memorable name can make all the difference.Use these methods for naming characters in your book:Using baby name websitesThe Root-Meaning methodMash-up character naming methodThe Add-on methodDevelop-First naming methodMaking character names up from scratchNaming-by-era methodUsing similar-to-real-life names11 tips for getting character names rightNOTE:Are you ready to give your characters a real home? Check out our VIP Fundamentals of Fiction and Storytelling Self-Publishing Program to learn how. Learn more about it hereNaming Characters Intentionally: Why Character Names MatterCharacter names have the power to transform your readers perception of your character entirely.Lets use the example of names from How to Train Your Dragon, the animated film.Character name example: HiccupWhy this character name matters: This name is extremely fitting to the type of character Hiccup is. The reason for a silly, weak name like this is because that is what the creators want you to think of when you hear the name. They want you to have low expectations so that when this character rises above, the emotional impact is far greater than if he had a typical hero name.You can use this same ideology for villains. One in particular with a famous name is from Harry Potter.Character name example: Lord VoldemortWhy this character name matters: From the beginning, Rowling crafted this name to be foreboding. In fact, this character himself chose the name because of that. As the author, you can craft your villains name based on your intentions. If you want readers to underestimate them, choose a silly name like Bob. But if you want readers to fear the wrath of your villain, choose a mor e fitting name like Lord Voldemort.Character Name GeneratorsIf youre looking for the easy way out and would rather someone else do the work in naming your characters, there are tools online for that.Here are some of the top character name generators:Character Name Generator This one allows you to fill in several different defining factors in order to produce a character name that fits your character best.Fantasy Name Generator Are you writing a fantasy novel and need some character name ideas? This generator offers several different options for theme-based character names for your fantasy book.Name Generator for Fun With this one, you can choose from several categories, like villain names, rap names, superhero names, and more.Name Generator This character name generator also gives you options to narrow in on details about your character for a more fitting name. However, this one has more real-life names than uniquely created, so it may serve better if youre writing in the conte mporary book genre.Writers Character Name Generator While very random, this one may just allow you to stumble upon your next main characters name.Character Name GeneratorHow to Come Up With Character NamesNaming your characters is one of the best and scariest parts of writing a novel.Using one of these methods will help ease the process while providing higher quality final results.#1 Baby Name WebsitesOne of the most popular methods of coming up with new character names is to pretend theyre your babyliterally!Baby naming websites have been serving up characer names for writers for years.Oftentimes, these websites even offer name meanings, trending names, and even names that were popular doing different years.Here are some great baby name websites to discover your characters names:NameberryBaby Name WizardBaby Name CenterNymblerBaby NamesBabble Baby Names#2 Root-Meaning MethodWelcome to the most common, tried-and-true method to name characters in books.People use this method in re al-life to name their children, too!The root-meaning method simply refers to using a core meaning or belief or even origin of a name for symbolism in your book.Here are some examples of this:Tobias Kaya in The Saviors Champion: His name means goodness and is very much meant to align with who his character is and his role in the series.Frodo Baggins in Lord of the Rings: Little do most people know, the name Frodo originated from the old English word frà ³d, which translates to wise by experience.Katniss Everdeen in Hunger Games: This books author really took the name meaning seriously when crafting her main character. Katniss is a plant in the genus Sagittaria, which roughly translates from Latin as archer.You can easily find the meanings of names by venturing to baby naming websites. You can also type in a name you like to Google and it will usually pop up.#3 The Mash-UpOne of my personal favorite ways of creating new names is to simply mash real-life names together until I find s omething thats real-sounding but also unique to my world and characters.This method of coming up with character names is better learned through seeing than a simple explanation:Josh and Riley = Joley, Jile, Rosh, RisheCasey and Michael = Cachel, Cachael, Casel, Misey, Miche, Michey, MaseyEmily and Rochelle = Emelle, Echelle, Romil, Romily, Rochil, RocilyObviously, some combinations will be better than others, but this is a quick way to generate new but realistic character names.Heres the step-by-step breakdown for how to create simple character names with this method:Choose or find 2 real-life namesMatch them side by sideTake the first half of the first name and mix and mach it with the last half of the second nameRepeat step 3 but vice versaYou should have a list of several different sounding namesChoose a few to keep that you likeRepeat this process with several pairs until you have a roster of character names to choose from#4 The Add-OnThis method is super similar to the previou s method but with more freedom.This is another personal favorite and how I manage to come up with cool and interesting names that are also unique to my story.Instead of taking two names and matching the beginning of one with the end of the other, simply choose real names and swap out the endings or add on to them completely.Heres what this looks likeRebecca = Rebera, Rebilla, Rebyr, Rebine, ReborraTaylor = Tayr, Tayora, Tayrin, Taysila, TayserraCory = Corrin, Corel, Coreesa, Coryn, Corros, Cortsa, CortaJohn = Johva, Johrrin, Johk, JohreyThe steps for this one are pretty obvious. Choose a random real-life name and simply swap out the endings for a combination you create on your own.I always try to do varying combinations, remembering that double consonants work well, as does changing the length of the vowel sounds by adding or changing those letters.I do this often and keep a spreadsheet with names I like, as in the image below.#5 Develop-First NamingSometimes choosing a characters name too early will make you subconsciously develop that character into someone who fits that name.This can be bad if you need that specific character to act and behave in a certain way.With this character naming method, you will develop your character in full first and then choose their name. The reason for this is to ensure youll write that character with intention.For example: in the Harry Potter series, the mood tends to be more serious. Rowling created Ron Weasley as comedic relief. While Ron is much more than that, the intention is still for him to be a goofy, funny character.The name Ron Weasley supports this development.Had she named him a more serious name like Reginald, Theodore, or Christopher, crafting those scenes may have been very different.The same can be said for another character called Draco Malfoy. This name is far more dark than it is funny, which is fitting for his character.The steps for this character naming method are simple:Download and fill out this charac ter development worksheet.Understand your characters role in the story. Do you want them to be serious, funny, silly, foreboding?List names that make you feel the way of your intentions.Ask friend and family to tell you what each name makes them think of personality-wise.Narrow down your choices to 3 and ask another group.Decide on the best-fitting name.#6 Make Them UpIf you want to have 100% unique character names (like Lhonniadreah, a character in the book Im writing, Lhonni for short), youve got to get creative.But youre a writer, so you know how to get creative.This particular method doesnt have many rules.Essentially, you can simply think up a random name. Perhaps you have a base or a beginning that you like.For example, my full original name for the character mentioned above was Lhonni. But I felt her character needed a longer name to fit with the traditional style of the names in her culture.Secondly, I decided to pull from the common letter match-ups this culture sees often . In this case, the combinations of the dr sound with long vowels is popular.I went on to create several combinations of potential full names:LhonnidrayLhonniyadraLhonniodrinLhonnidraUltimately, the name I chose best fit her as a character, and I decided afterward that her mothers name would be Dreah, so that her name is a namesake thats in common format for the culture I created.Heres how you can replicate this process:Write down a sound or start or end of a name you like (this can be a -ly ending, an ash- beginning, or even an -eer- middle of a name.Decide if you want the name to hold any significant meaning the way mine does. This does not have to be the same meaning. You can even find base words in English or Latin to use.Take into account any world-specific cultural influences on the name. Your world building expands to even your characters name. Dont forget this! (If your book takes place in this world, think about family spellings and such as a substitute)Create a list with s everal different versions and variations. Remember your characters name can take on very different meanings and intentions based on the sound (and look!) of it.Choose the name that feels right and embodies your intentions for the character. And let it stew for a few days! Now, even if your character is brave and strong, like in the Hiccup example, using a less-than-obvious name can provide a unique perception that fosters a better reaction later.#7 Name-by-eraOne of the biggest mistakes you can make is unintentionally destroying your readers suspension of disbelief by naming a character something wildly out of the ordinary for a time period.If youre writing historical fiction or just a story from 10-15 years ago, you want to make sure your names are realistic for the time period.This trick is also helpful if you want to give your out-of-the-real-world novel a specific time era vibe.Here are some resources for baby names by era:Popular Baby Names by EraBusiness Insiders Baby Name Li st from the 1880s onVictorian baby namesBaby Center Baby Names Through the Centuries#8 Using similar but different real namesThe most famous author who uses this method is George R.R. Martin in his infamous series Game of Thrones.What Martin did in order to give this epic fantasy series realistic but medieval sounding names is simply alter just a few letters in a name.Here are some examples of names from Game of Thrones with more common real names:Gregor GregoryJoffrey JefferyBrienne BrianneTheon Theo / TheodorePetyr PeterJorah JonahGilly LillyPodrick RodrickMartin has a way of completely transforming these very similar-to-real-life names into something with both a. fantastical and medieval twist in order to further transport us to his world. Of course Game of Thrones also features completely unique names like Daenerys and Tyrion along with real-life names like Robert and Jon. Martin uses this combination to his advantage- and you can too!Top Tips for Naming Characters in Y our BookNo matter which method you choose for naming your characters, youll need a few tips to make it more effective.Here are the best tips for naming book characters with intention.#1 Remember, length mattersThis is particularly true if you have several characters who will interact with one another regularly.If you have all very long names, your reader will be exhausted.You dont want thatWhat you do want is a reader who doesnt have to focus on the pronunciation or longevity of several character names.Using a combination of long, short, and medium length names will allow your readers to read easier so they can focus more on visualizing whats happening.Heres an example of this with names from my work in progress:EssadraVhieDailanLhonniadreahRiddickKetThis combination allows several of these characters to be in the same scene without exhausting or confusing the reader.#2 Keep nicknames in mindYou can use your characters name as a plot device if you really wanted to.Maybe the reveal of your main characters full name is important to the story and your character has only been called by a nickname their whole life.Nicknames can also serve as a way to show and not tell within your writing as well. Those close to your character are more likely to use a nickname and therefore, you dont have to dumb as much exposition in order for them to learn.Just make sure the nickname is also fitting and not too similar to other characters names.#3 Make sure the name fits the characterWeve already mentioned this tip a number of times but its worth mentioning again.If your characters name is very, very ill-fitting, it will stand out in a bad way to readers.This is why getting feedback and understanding your character fully is so vital for the naming process.#4 Make sure the name fits the settingWhere your story takes place can change the names you use for your characters.Whats the location?Does your story take place in a cold, harsh climate or in a dry, warmer environment?The lo cation matters because the names used can help enhance or take away from the mood youre trying to create within that environment.For example, harsher climates tend to pair well with curt, quipped names to mirror this. But if you want your character in this specific place to stand out, you can give them a name thats ill-fitting in order to focus on this contrast.A great example of this is Ygritte from Game of Thrones. Yet again, George R.R. Martin has named someone who lives in a tough, gritty environment with a suitable name that gives off this vibe.What are the cultural influences?As mentioned in a few of these tips, culture plays a large role in your characters names.Does your culture, whether you make it up or its real, influence your characters name in any way?For example, in a certain culture in my work in progress, names can often be namesakes. However, instead of simply naming a baby the full name of whomever theyd like to honor, they add the name to the start of another.Lhon nidra is a common name in a certain place of my book. However, her mother Dreah died. Her father then named her after her mother, but in this world, that would translate to Lhonniadreah instead of just Dreah.Ask yourself if there are any cultural influences and if there isnt (and youre completely making up this world), feel free to add some!What is the intended time period?Even if your book takes places in a completely different world, you can still allow readers to get a sense of the intended time period youre going for with the names you use.For this method, use old victorian names or names from medieval times as a base when also using another method for coming up with a unique name.Victorian name example: EmalineCreated for a unique world while maintaining the same vibe: EmariseYou can tweak the names until you find something that feels right.#5 Consider how each name soundsThere are several literary elements that touch on the way similar or contrastingly different sounds can pl ay into the attractiveness of writing.Although most people dont read novels out loud, unless theyre reading to their kids, we all still have a voice in our head that is out loud.And that voice is drawn to names that sound appealing.This can often be a subjective element when coming up with character names, but you can probably recognize names that sound good versus names that sound bad.But you can also use this to your advantage for further character development as well.Ugly sounding names are a great fit for characters youd like your audience to interpret as just that. Its all about what intention you have for that character.An example of this is the name James Bond. I think we can all agree this is a great sounding, tough name that fits the character well.#6 Get feedback on the namesOther people are a better judge of the first impression of a character name simply because its fresh for them.Enlist 7-10 people you can get feedback from when it comes to these names.Send the name al ong with 2 sentences describing the character (physically and personality) and ask them if they sound like they fit.Oftentimes, we might really like names that are hard to read or pronounce for new readers. In that case, youll want to problem solve for a solution.#7 Dont be afraid to go crazy with itThis is your book! This is your world and if you have names that are a little out there, thats okay!The only reason youd want to reel in the craziness is if the names are too complex for readers to easily comprehend and remember.Nobody wants a character whose name people forget when talking about the book. After all, characters are one of the first things raving fans gush about with a new book they love.That being said, dont be afraid of creating your own names in your own world. Real-life parents make up names for their children every day. You can do the same for your characters.#8 Create cultural similarities in your worldThis is mainly for authors writing in a unique world they make up on their own.Different cultures and languages have very different names and common ways to spell and pronounce those names.Heres a quick example of several names from opposite sites of the world in my story: If your characters are from very different areas, the names should reflect that, just like in life.#9 Avoid using already-popular book character namesUsing the name Harry or Katniss isnt the best idea. At leastnot if you want your characters to be remembered as your characters.With infamous names, itll be very hard to set your character (and therefore, your book) apart.If you want to use a name and arent sure if its in another super popular book, just do a Google search for Name in book and if it doesnt populate a very specific result, youre in the clear.#10 Avoid similar names if your character is based on someone you knowAll writers draw inspiration from the real world. Theyre lying if they say otherwise.BUT, if you do base a character on someone you know in real life (which we recommend you change enough that they wouldnt know anyway), dont use a name thats similar for the character.This can make people feel very uncomfortable, not to mention itll be that much more obvious to ou tsiders who know you.#11 Bring your characters to lifeDont just name your characters and leave them to exist only in your imagination and future conversations of friends or family asking you if youve finished your book yet.Give them a world by finishing and even publishing your book.Weve got some tips to help you with that in this free video training.Save your spot by signing up below!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A research proposal with a project management plan Essay

A research proposal with a project management plan - Essay Example The council does so by ensuring that the registration system of nurse is not compromised as well as necessary guidance and intervention in the nursing discipline. However, this is on the technical bit. Availability of personnel will be the prerequisite for the application and the effectiveness of this council’s effort in meeting their mandate. But availability is the main problem in the whole nursing profession in the globe. This raises the need for a workable plan that Nursing Council of Hong Kong can apply to ensure that the available RN is well utilized and is able to meet the raising need for health care in Hong Kong society. The scope of this research project is to develop a nursing program that will be implemented through Nursing Council of Hong Kong. Therefore, all the registered nurses as well as upcoming nurses form the scope of this project. The nurses to be interviewed and the focus group discussion groups will be developed from the already existing list of registered nurses in Nursing Council’s database and nursing students emails in the universities data base. Among the issues to be considered when sampling will be nursing experience level of the respondents, cost and time constraints as well as accountability and program orientations. Nursing is the main pillar of any health system in the world (Jamison, 2006, p.1). The nature of training and the kind of work done by nurses’ makes the core of patient’s healing and recovery. Nurses remain with the patient long after the doctors have left to ensure that the patients are comfortable as well as are able to take medication prescribed by the doctors. Healthcare thus needs more nurses than any other healthcare practitioner. Hong Kong nursing workforce is majorly dominated by female (Chan, 2012, p. 15). These nurses are required by law to be enrolled and registered for practice. However, the levels of nurses’ registration in Hong

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Huckleberry Finn Persuasive Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Huckleberry Finn Persuasive Paper - Essay Example Although it is ambiguous as to whether slavery has been eradicated hitherto, the South is still well thought-out precarious territory for African Americans, and the North is the utopian freedom that the blacks look for. Mark Twain has used a single character, Jim, to denote the black race in the story. Jim flees from his owner, Miss Watson, so as to avoid being sold and goes to the North state. This as a result separates him from hi family. Huck, who is running away from his abusive father, encounters Jim as they both set off on their North, bound adventure. Huck despite being white treats Jim as an equal, although he often uses the derogatory word â€Å"nigger†, Huck regards Jim as a friend and not a black man who solely only there to be at his service. As the story unfolds, Huck stays true to his conscience and continues to help his friend. Mark Twain has been labeled a racist by many of his critics, who think the novel is racist on the face of it, and for the most glaringly, obvious reason: many characters use the derogatory term â€Å"nigger† all through. Though the events of the novel takes places in the Southern state twenty years before the Civil war, it would be astonishing if they didn’t use that term. A closer reading also conceals Twain’s staid satiric objective. In one act, for instance, Aunt Sally learns of a steamboat explosion† Good Gracious! Anybody hurt?† she asks. â€Å"No’m†, comes the answer. Killed a nigger† (Twain 107) At this point, anyone who thinks that Mark Twain meant this purposely is factually missing the point. To a certain extent, Twain is using this unfussy dialogue ironically, as a means to comprehend the unnerving truth about the old South. Rural South was a territory where entirely pleasant people didn’t deem the death of a black person worth their attention. The â€Å"niggers† were literally not human beings. Twain drives this point home by making the lady continue† Well, it’s lucky, because sometimes people

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Critique of the Ethical Issue Essay Example for Free

Critique of the Ethical Issue Essay Every profession is subject to different ethical considerations. In response, professions present code of conduct to their employees to guide their behavior in the organization. Formal ethical training is also held to make the employees aware of different ethical issues. Ethical decision making process enable the workforce to handle every ethical issue and prevents them from making any ethical lapses whatsoever. US healthcare system comprises many branches that offer unique health related services to clients. Furthermore the healthcare is split into a hierarchical setup which starts from nursing to the top physicians. Each individual related to the US health care has to undergo a lot of training and education before he/she is authorized to discharge any duty. A fundamental part of this coaching involves ethical training which guides the employees ways and means of dealing with different ethical problems. Conflicts faced by the healthcare are of many types. To start with, physicians fail to work as a team with nurses. Sometimes nurses do not understand their roles and discharge their duties improperly. Other kinds of conflicts involve patients. These conflicts can usually become very serious and can even become unlawful in nature. Articulating the Problem The ethical conflict that arose in my studies involved a doctor and his patient. Jimmy suffered from high fever and he decided to go to a new doctor, Dr. Bill, as his general physician was out of town on vacation. Jimmy reported all his conditions to Dr. Bill. Dr. Bill made some notes and then warned him that he might be in fear of suffering from typhoid (a severe form of fever). Jimmy was very shocked to hear this. The doctor further added that it would be better for Jimmy to remain in hospital care for at least two days before his condition improved. He also asked him to run some tests which would be needed to clearly diagnose his sickness. When Jimmy heard of the high amount they were charging him, he was highly shocked and left the clinic. Jimmy called his physician up and informed him of the entire issue. Dr. Andrew told him to get a check-up from another doctor who was his friend. Jimmy went there and after the checkup, he received another surprise upon hearing that the fever was not serious and he’d be perfect in two days. He was given some prescription which he was to take. In two days time, Jimmy perfectly recovered from his fever and, by then, realized how Dr. Bill had tried to deceive him into getting the tests and hospital care in order to make more money. The event is, by all means, shocking and unethical. Dr. Bill and those of his like are ruining the sanctity of the medical profession by converting it into any other business profession. It is certainly not unethical to offer your services and expertise to others in return for money. However, intimidating patients by telling them of symptoms which, in fact, they do not possess is certainly very unethical. This trend is quickly spreading everywhere, especially online. After doing some research, the author found that there are many health care services which are presently being offered online. Though some of these setups are highly professional in nature and offer very effective services online, the rest are merely scammers. What’s more problematic is that individuals do not know how expert the physician is in his/her respective field. Looked at it this way, we’re all in a big risk whenever we decide to get ourselves checked up from a new doctor. As far as the scammers are concerned, their deceptive marketing campaigns allure the sick and the injured into asking for help. They make false claims that their products will change their lives or make them better. By the time the poor people find out that they’ve been deceived, it is too late to do anything because such institutions and individuals protect themselves through different legislations of the law. Gathering Data After thorough research and data collection, the author has come up with following important ways of checking the credentials as well as ratings of a physician along with ways of preventing health care frauds. 1. Information about doctor’s experience and training is obtained from his office or local medical society in which the doctor is a member. 2. There are some state licensing boards that also issue information about disciplinary actions taken against a particular physician. However, it is not very easy to get information from there. 3. American Medical Association’s AMA Physicians Select offers information on training and certification of all the medical and osteopathic physicians who are currently holding a license in the US. However, disciplinary actions are not included with them. 4. American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Certified Doctor Verification Service can also be utilized to check whether the physician is certified by one or the 24 recognized specialty boards. The service is free of charge. 5. Googling out for more info is also not a bad idea. You will find several options wherein to check the report/credibility of a physician. 6. There are several government sources which may be used to obtain information relating to disciplinary action. Of these, the two most important sources are the National Practitioner Data Bank and the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank. 7. Many clinics and hospitals also offer options to check their doctors’ credentials. However, this is not a good idea because hospitals would never reveal that any one of their doctors is of low quality. Exploring Strategies It is, indeed, very difficult to carve a strategy that would clearly identify and tackle the above situation. Practical issues of these kinds are indeed very different from theoretical knowledge that is offered in books. However, following procedures may help prevent such situations in future. From Profession’s perspective 1. Establishing a federal committee on healthcare fraud prevention, and having it carry out a detailed wipe-out of all such fraudulent institutions and individuals 2. Exercise rigorous ethical training program, stressing the consequences of deceiving and holding the truth in the medical profession 3. Conducting regular external audits on different health care facilities, with an aim to identify the scammers 4. Publicizing and penalizing doctors who conduct such activities From Patient’s Perspective 1. Organizing a wide marketing campaign instructing the individuals to be wary of such scammers 2. Avoiding new doctors 3. Fixing the medical charges offered at various institutions, so the competition is not price-based but quality based. 4. Having another review with another physician if instructed to undergo very expensive treatment. Implementing the Strategy In order to implement the above discussed strategy, the following needs to be done: 1. Give the event a wide coverage on popular media 2. Create mass-awareness through the media 3. Instruct masses to avoid online health care facilities as much as possible unless they know the physician personally. 4. Write to the American Medical Association and other medical authorities, asking them to address the issue on federal level. 5. Increasing word-of-mouth, and making all such frauds public 6. Conducting nation-wide survey of physicians’ credentials Evaluating the Outcomes Implementing the above strategy would have the following pros and cons: Pros 1. Efficient and appropriate health care only by physicians who have sound credentials and ratings 2. Lesser frauds and scams in the health care 3. Better opportunities for physicians who’ve worked their way up 4. An overall better impact on the health of US nationals 5. Better medical infrastructure Cons 1. High investment is required to create the mass-awareness 2. It is not possible to identify every physician who is conducting fraud 3. It is difficult to decide whether a physician is diagnosing a patient sincerely or not as different physicians come up with different diagnosis measures REFERENCES Percival, Thomas. Medical ethics. (pp. 49–57) from http://books. google. com/books? id=yVUEAAAAQAAJprintsec=frontcoverdq=medical+ethicsas_brr=1ie=ISO-8859-1#PPA52,M1. Walter, Klein (ed). The Story of Bioethics: From seminal works to contemporary explorations Jordan, M. C. (1998). Ethics manual. Fourth edition. American College of Physicians (pp. 23-30) Beauchamp, Tom L. , Childress, James F. (2001). Principles of Biomedical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. Margaret A. Burkhardt, Alvita Nathaniel (2007) Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Life and Literature of Willa Cather Essay -- Authors

â€Å"The great characters in literature are born out of love, often out of some beautiful experience of the writer† (Brown 1). A number of novelists draw much of their inspiration for writing from stories they hear, places they have lived and visited, their childhood, and people they know and hear of in their lives. Willa Cather is no exception. The setting and places in Cather’s novels are derived from her travels, and where she lived. Cather’s earliest life experiences were also integrated into her writing. The characters in Cather’s novels are based on people in and around her life. Willa Cather’s journeys, and residences; childhood, and the people around her permeate in her novels The Professor’s House, and A Lost Lady. The first locale where Cather crafted her scenery after was her home town of Red Cloud, Nebraska. Willa Cather was born in Back Creek Valley, Virginia; she and her family moved to Nebraska four years later. Within A Lost Lady, the home of Captain Daniel Forrester, and wife Marian is described by the narrator as â€Å"[standing] on a low round hill†, and â€Å"[standing] close to a fine cottonwood grove that threw sheltering arms to left and right†. Cather paints a picturesque view of the mansion belonging to then governor Silas and Lyra Garber, his wife. Sweet Water, the town in which A Lost Lady takes place closely resembles Red Cloud. In comparison, Susan Rosowski, renowned Cather scholar describes the home of the Garber’s having â€Å"a cottonwood grove, the shade of the fast growing trees made the place a favorite for picnics and other social affairs for the people in the town, including young Willa Cather† (Rosowski and Ronning 194). The Forresterâ₠¬â„¢s house decided to incorporate in A Lost Lady was, surely a place of solace a... ... Lady, Willa Cather Scholarly Edition. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2003. 190-201. Print. Skaggs, Merrill Maguire. After the World Broke in Two: The Later Novels of Willa Cather. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1990. Print. "The Professor's House." Cyclopedia Of Literary Characters, Revised Third Edition. 1998. 1-2. Literary Resource Center. Web. 26 April 2012. Van Ghent, Dorothy. "Willa Cather." Willa Cather: Modern Critical Views. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. 71-73. Print. Wilson, Anna. "Canonical Relations: Willa Cather, America, and The Professor's House." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (2005): 61-74. Literature Reference Center. Web. Woodress, James. Willa Cather: A Literary Life. University of Nebraska Press, 1987. Print. —. Willa Cather: Her Life and Art. New York: Pegasus, 1970. Print.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The behaviour of the workers

Part ( a )Read the short infusion from the authoritative survey of Donald Roy and discourse the undermentioned statements:The behavior of the workers was unethical.The behavior of the direction staff was unethical.The first statement set Forth to discourse is true to state in most facets of the article but there are some points made in the article which disproves the statement ‘The behavior of the workers was unethical‘ . The system of the work at the Chicago machine store was unjust to the workers and so it must hold been hard for the workers behave in an ethical mode with the managerial hierarchy at the workshop. I myself worked in a company where there was a welding workshop and the work forces completed the work for their ain benefit and non as aid to the company. The industrial relation issues were chiefly caused by the workers but it was because of old bad direction that let the workers The article foremost describes the workshop ‘s work forces opposition to the directors ‘ control over the workshop work forces. There was clearly a extremely unethical motive for work. Unlike in a good work force where workers are motivated by there directors and communicating is good, alternatively the work forces worked with and for each other to accumulate the most intelligent program against their directors and crush the system in topographic point, ‘relationships that supply support to the operator group in its opposition to and corruption of officially instituted managerial controls on production ‘ . Clearly managerial accomplishments were non decently used to command this conspiring and conniving. The workers were still moving extremely unethical to be doing such control at their degree. The workers, as stated, could work truly difficult but frequently laid back on certain occupations they were deemed impossible and unjust. The workers should hold been working to the best of their ability all the clip as portion of their trueness to the company and directors. Alternatively they played with the system until the reached their most moneymaking solution. ‘Machine operators non merely held back attempt ; sometimes they worked hard. ‘ Obviously the workers were good skilled and they were non being utilised to the best of their ability by their directors but this still does non suit their inducement for work ‘the fluctuation in work attempt ‘ . Another illustration from the infusion about their unjust and â€Å"hopeless prices† was the Gus Schmidt instance where he was â€Å"given a monetary value of $ 1.00 per 100 for reaming one hole, beveling both sides of three holes, and registering burrs on one terminal of one hole.† This is merel y one illustration from the infusion which helps us seek to accept the grounds for the workers unethical behavior. These sorts of rates for work are evidently really put offing for skilled craftsmen. The behavior of the workers in relation to the occupations they had to execute was extremely unethical. For the â€Å"stinkers† of occupations the workers would hold no regard or respect to the company belongings. They besides had no respect for the quality of merchandises they were bring forthing. As a consequence, the oblique actions of the workers could do long term harm the company ‘s repute and provide clients with defective insecure merchandises. ‘Many â€Å"stinkers† would non give before the whitest heat of intelligence or the most high-handed neglect for company property† The grounds for their actions were clear and the director as a leader to the work force should hold corrected this misconduct at that place and so. But any consideration for the company was disregarded by the workers. Communication with direction instead than each other in the planning of malicious actions at work would be a much more ethical solution and could salvage the co mpanies repute. Donald Roy ‘s usage of linguistic communication in the infusion and response to his clip as portion of the work force aid to underscore the workers arch and unethical behavior. Donald Roy describes the personalities and actions of the work forces in the workshop as ‘malicious ‘ , ‘vindictive ‘ , ‘cultivating ‘ , scoffers, ‘prestidigitation ‘ , ‘cavalier ‘ and that ‘s merely to call a position. All of these features of the workers can merely take to the finding of unethical work force. On my work arrangement one could besides depict some of the fitters in this manner. And by stating some, I mean some because all workers do n't act this manner unless enticed to act this manner by a few crooked leaders. This seems to be the same kind of work environment at the piece devising workshop. Although stating this, people have their ain head to do their ain picks in life. As an overall my decision of the workshop work forces in this article is that the behaved extremely unethical. In the 1940 ‘s occupation clime occupations were scarce and so one would believe they would be looking after their occupation instead than endangering it. I could see where the workers were coming from in some of their actions but alternatively of all the conniving and intriguing they should hold been more committed to their company as an employee duty. Simple communicating could hold perchance solved most of their troubles. In comparing to the workers the directors behaved moderately ethical mode. Although as a director it was their duty to be trained in how trade with this unethical behavior. The ethical criterions of the concern should hold been included in staff preparation. The directors at this workshop seemed to about turn a blind oculus to the departures on of the workers. It was unethical for them to believe that merely because the quotas were being reached that it was alright for the workers to command how they work themselves. Besides cognizing that the quota for the production of merchandises was realistically unachievable meant they themselves were criminals every bit good as the workshop work forces. Besides the directors ‘ willingness to turn a blind oculus to the quality of merchandise being manufactured for the populace is socially unethical. Communication is critical in any company and from reading this infusion there is no communicating between direction and workers apparent in this Chicago machine store. From Donald Roy ‘s position it seemed as though the direction did nil to better this faulty communicating ‘It will demo that the relevant components of debatable production state of affairss may include â€Å"lateral† lines of interaction between subgroups of he work force every bit good as â€Å"vertical† connexions between managerial and worker groups.† From my clip on my work arrangement, I can see how these perpendicular connexions can organize and how hard they are to rectify. The director of the oil terminus was continuously keeping meetings to repair the bad communicating and industrial relation issues. This kind of attempt does non look to be present at the work store. The direction are non doing the company as efficient and productive as they are able to. The workers are able to â€Å"make-out† which reflects severely on both directors and workers. Some of the workers are clearly intelligent people bearing in head they are able to â€Å"figure the angles† for optimal return for themselves. Although all the intelligence used by the workers is strictly revengeful to contend the systems set in topographic point by direction it could be utilised for a greater benefit to the company. Not merely were the workers damaging the company ‘s repute but the directors were besides. The directors should hold a sufficient system in topographic point to look into the quality of the pieces being green goodss for the clients. The system at the workshop encouraged unethical behavior by presenting fillips to measure over quality. There is no grounds from this infusion for publicity of quality in the workshop and such managerial behavior should be regarded as unethical in my sentiment. Having made my points for the directors unethical I besides believe they were seeking to get the better of the corrupt work store. They were merely looking at it from their ain positions and did non acquire the input of the workers. ‘The â€Å"syndicate† besides proved unequal in besieging each of a series of â€Å"new rules† and â€Å"new systems† introduced by direction to bowdlerize all alterations and improvisations and coerce a rigorous attachment to the regulations ‘ This illustration illustrates the directors ‘ willingness to implement alteration. The methods of amending the workers system did non offer an economic advantage to the worker and so would non do as a solution to the corrupt working system. Throughout the infusion the moral values and regulations of the direction vary. The directors do try to alter the current corrupt system but they are besides individual minded in believing they have the best solution which they obviously do non. They moreover do non look to follow up on the illegal actions of â€Å"making-out† performed by the operators. To reason on whether direction behaved unethical this infusion I will state, one can non hold unethical workers without some influence from unethical directors ‘ .Part ( B )Describe any alterations to the operation of the machine store that you would do if you were appointed director. I know that in the 1940 ‘s industrial dealingss were nil like they are now but the most of import things for the directors to alter is the degree of communicating between the director and the workers. Directors are the people specifically responsible for accomplishing the aims for the company. [ 2 ] The directors of the Chicago piece doing company make non with keep the indispensable direction activities ( planning, organizing and commanding ) or the direction accomplishments ( taking, pass oning and actuating ) . Managers ‘ must besides be capable of alteration and I would promote alter both with the workers and directors. Although perchance non allow for the 1940 ‘s, I would engage a human resource director to cover with the intensifying problem in industrial relation issues. The issue of unachievable fillips should be resolved by either extinguishing that method of productiveness or a just bound should be agreed upon. Communication as stated in the article is non present in the company and is an of import issue. Communication would greatly better the ethical behavior and the efficiency of the workshop. The extract provinces on many occasions that communicating is non present, one such illustration is ; ‘The procedure that is reputedly in demand of attending: communicating ‘ The directors need to be trained in communicating accomplishments. This involves verbal, written and ocular communicating. For effectual communicating the directors need to let provender back from the workers. As a director I would let the workers to voice their sentiments. Feedback would assist work out the issue with the fillips because as a consequence a just bound could be established by both parties. A 3rd party who is non-biased should be introduced ab initio until trust has developed between direction and workers. A 3rd party could do the fairest determination in this hostile environment. A quotation mark from Richard Branson, president of Virgin Group, on motive, which sums up the company in inquiry ; â€Å"If you have happy extremely motivated staff you can accomplish anything. If you have demoralised staff your company will shortly disappear.† I think a better method of motive for the workshop would be utilizing the Maslow ‘s theory of motive instead the fillip system in being used by the directors. This theory is aimed at bettering the morale and inducement of the workers. Self-actualisation is the most of import of human demands, as stated in Maslow ‘s theory, and is achieved by publicity. I think if the workers are motivated by occupation chances such as a managerial place of supervisor they will be more dedicated to the company. More dedication would ensue in better quality merchandises and more efficient productiveness. Bing a director of the workshop I would concentrate on this managerial accomplishment merely every bit much as communicating. Introducing a human resource director would assist to bit by bit mend the jobs of the workshop. The responsibilities of a human resource director include, pull offing industrial dealingss, rewarding, protecting, human resource planning, measuring, preparation and enlisting. [ 1 ] Pull offing the industrial dealingss at the workshop would decide the struggle between workers and the directors. The HR director could honor the workers suitably for work done in replacing of the fillip system or they could better the current system in the infusion. Workers who feel they are being treated unjustly could avail of protection from the HR director when pass oning with directors. Performance assessment in the workshop would assist supervisors supervise more specifically what workers are making and workers would hold ends and marks to work for. The HR director would guarantee all safety, communicating and any other relevant preparation was being carried out. All of these issues being addressed by a human resource director would acquire the company closer to an ethically witting work topographic point. I, as a director, would hold extremely developed planning, actuating and communicating accomplishments. I would be willing for alteration and insist that the workers were excessively. I conclude that I would extinguish the fillip system and alternatively implement the Maslow ‘s theory of motive. I eventually think using a human resource director would be of the extreme importance.